Grants for research internships in the USA designed for master’s students, doctoral students, and junior researchers (with a PhD for no longer than 3 years) from Portuguese institutions.

To contribute to the strengthening of the Portuguese academic and scientific community, FLAD awards grants to master’s students, doctoral students, and junior researchers (with a PhD for no longer than 3 years), from Portuguese institutions, to develop research internship programs in academic and scientific institutions in the USA.

Internships will last 4 months or more.

These internships should focus on innovative scientific or technological issues, while also contributing to a greater alignment between Portuguese and American institutions in hope of reinforcing the knowledge network shared by the two countries and thus facilitating the creation of institutional partnerships.

This FLAD grant provides support to a maximum of €1,500/month.


Individual applications will be accepted according to the following requirements:

  • Portuguese nationality or resident in Portugal;
  • Master students, PhD students, and junior researchers (with a PhD for no longer than 3 years) at Portuguese institutions of higher education and/or research centers;
  • Internship program;
  • Acceptance letter from the US institution, mentioning the internship period of stay;
  • Letter of reference from the Portuguese institution to which the applicant is institutionally bound;
  • Detailed budget of expected costs and the sources of funding applied to finance this internship.

Deadlines – 2024 Open Calls

Internships starting between January 1st and June 30th, 2024:

  • Applications: until October 31st, 2023.
  • Results: until December 31st, 2023.

Internships starting between July 1st and December 31st, 2024:

  • Applications: until April 30th, 2024.
  • Results: until June 30th, 2024.

Applications must be submitted online, though this link:

For more information, please read the official notice for this open call – NOTICE 2024 “R&D@USA”

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