The Grief of Others
Fiction 2015, 103′
02/05 Thu | 9:15pm | Sala 3

Written and directed by Patrick Wang
Cinematography by Frank Barrera
Cast Wendy Moniz, Trevor St. John, Rachel Dratch
SXSW (Official Selection) (2015)

The Ryries have suffered a loss – the death of a baby a few hours after birth. While the members of the family, who are unable to express their sadness, surrender to the loneliness of grieving, an unexpected visit leads them, with a little humor, to a greater awareness of the problems that are a part of any human life, but also carry within them the power to bring us together. Just as with “In the Family”, his debut film which was shown at the first Outsiders, Patrick Wang demonstrates an extraordinary capacity for empathy towards his characters, and an ability to approach the familial tragedy without sentimentality.