On October 21st, FLAD organizes the 2nd edition of the FLAD Forum on Portugal and USA Higher Education 2024, dedicated to the theme: ‘The Internationalization Imperative: Recruitment, Student Engagement and Creative Models’. This initiative will bring together in the FLAD auditorium, in Lisbon, experts in the internationalization of Higher Education from institutions in the United States and Europe, to share best practices and develop partnerships for internationalization, which are sustainable and with real impact.

In the last decade, FLAD has invested in promoting the internationalization of Higher Education with the support of initiatives of Portuguese universities, the creation of funding lines for the development of internationalization projects, and, more visibly, with the creation of the SiPN – Study in Portugal Network program, a study abroad program with unique characteristics in Portugal. and through which we have already brought more than 1,700 American students to study at Portuguese partner universities.

At a time when demographic issues have become unavoidable, internationalization has become an imperative – whether in terms of curriculum updating, good practices or funding of Higher Education institutions –  and continuing the path we have traveled, and together with our partners in the USA-Portugal Campus initiative – Fulbright Portugal and the National Agency Erasmus+ -, FLAD organizes the second edition of the FLAD Forum on Portugal and USA Higher Education.

On October 21st, we will bring together experts from the United States and Europe in the FLAD auditorium, in Lisbon, to present and discuss the best practices of what is done in the United States for the internationalization of Universities, in order to promote greater integration between Portugal and the United States in terms of academic mobility. to give greater visibility to Portugal as a preferred destination for American students and researchers, and to promote this knowledge among Portuguese higher education institutions so that they can expand their own capacity for the mobility of students and academic staff to and from the United States.

These experts will present the essential issues affecting higher education mobility and success stories that illustrate the state of the art in the sector.
This year’s edition will be attended by, among others, Cheryl Matherly, Vice President for International Affairs at Lehigh University, Joel Ericson, Institute for International Education (IIE) International Director, Almaty Kazakhstan and Robert Glover, University of Maine Coordinator and Professor, public-policy and community engagement (Donald Harward Faculty Award for Service-Learning Excellence).

Participation in this conference is free, subject to registration in the online form available at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfafDSMmCvluuJI0_rOpvXkCzP2acC92iHnQfrGg-l0_WlFDQ/viewform

Any questions or comments, please contact: ricardo.pereira@flad.pt

See the full program here

FLAD Forum on Portugal and US Higher Education 2024 Program

Sunday, Oct 20

Pre-Forum Networking Activity

  • 5pm-7pmSunset Cruise on the Tejo

Monday, Oct 21

9:00 – Registration, Meet & Greet

9:30 – Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Nuno Morais Sarmento, President of FLAD
  • Michael Baum, Executive Board, FLAD
  • Douglas Koneff, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy Lisbon

10:00 – Keynote Speaker

  • Salwa El- Shawan Castelo-Branco, Professor Emerita of Ethnomusicology
    President Emerita – Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md), Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    The Imperative of Internationalizing Portuguese Academia: A Personal Perspective

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:30 – I session – The Internationalization Imperative: How Portuguese HEIs can Expand their Recruitment Strategies to the USA and Beyond

  • Paulo Zagalo e Melo – Senior Internationalization Strategist at Virginia Commonwealth University, and President Elect at the Association of International Education Administrators
    – Driven International Enrollment Strategy
  • Cheryl Matherly, Vice-President/Vice-Provost for International Affairs, Lehigh University
    – Preparing Students to Address Grand Challenges Through Global Experiential Learning
  • Joel Ericson, Institute for International Education (IIE) International Director, Almaty Kazakhstan
    – From “Undesirable Organization” in Russia to New Opportunities in Kazakhstan: The Odyssey of an International Office

    Panel Discussion and Q&A

12:30 – 12:50 – Madalena Alves, President FCT, Portuguese National Science Foundation Representative – The FCT-FLAD-Berkeley protocol “Berkeley Portugal Program”

12:50 – 1:10pm – USA Portugal Campus – Road Map to NAFSA 2025

1:00-2:30pm –
lunch break at FLAD for all attendees


2:30-4:00pm – II session – Service Learning & Social Impact

  • Luísa Mota Ribeiro, Assistant Professor, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Faculty of Education and Psychology. Coordinator for Service Learning (CApS), UCP Porto.
  • Robert Glover, University of Maine Coordinator and Professor, public-policy and community engagement (Donald Harward Faculty Award for Service-Learning Excellence)
  • Sandra Soares, Vice-Rector, University of Aveiro
    New shapes of education in HigherEd in an evolving world
  • Nuno Comando, director, Entrepreneurship and Social Economy, Casa do Impacto
    Platform for innovation, social entrepreneurship and impact
    Impact has the doors open for everyonePanel Discussion and Q&A

Coffee break

4:30 – 5:30pm – III session – Case Studies in Creative Internationalization in Higher Education

  • Luis Manuel Pais, Vice-President, Bragança Polytechnic Institute
    “Creative Internationalization in Higher Education: strategies and numbers at the Bragança Polytechnic University”

Announcement of the Projects selected under the 2025 FLAD-UP Higher Education Program
Michael Baum, Executive Council Member, FLAD

  • Each team will have 3-5 minute to pitch their project.

5:30-6:30pm – Celebrating the 10th anniversary of FLAD’s Study in Portugal Network (SiPN).

Followed by a reception at FLAD for the attendees