FLAD selected seven writers’ works in another edition of the Translations Program, continuing the objective of supporting national publishers and helping to make possible the translation into Portuguese of works by American writers, which without this support would not reach readers in Portuguese.
Louis Menand, Patti Smith and Mary Borden are the chosen authors whose works FLAD will support their translation into Portuguese. As for Portuguese authors, the works of Isabel Castro Henriques, Duarte Lynce de Faria, Maria Judite de Carvalho and Mário Augusto were selected and, with the support of the Foundation, will be translated into English. The goal is to support national publishers, helping them to have acess to works by American authors who would not otherwise reach Portuguese bookstores, and promote Portuguese authors in the United States.
This is a regular contest, which takes place twice a year. The next edition will take place between October 1 and 31, 2023.
Selected works:
Book : The Free World – Art and Thought in The Cold War
Author: Louis Menand
Synopsis: The Cold War was not just a power struggle. It was also about ideas, in the broadest sense – economic and political, artistic and personal. In The Free World, acclaimed Pulitzer Prize-winning scholar and critic Louis Menand tells the story of American culture in the pivotal years from the end of World War II through Vietnam and shows how changing economic, technological, and social forces left their mark on the creations of the mind.
Book: Early work: 1970-1979
Author: Patti Smith
Publisher:Traça – Editora
Synopsis: A collection of Smith’s early poems and prose that is both meditative and explosive, and evokes the desire to break boundaries in the pre-punk era.
Book: The Forbbiden Zone
Author:Mary Borden
Publisher: Edições Almedina, S.A.
Synopsis: Mary Borden worked for four years in a hospital evacuation unit accompanying the front lines in the European theater of the First World War. This beautifully written book, to be read alongside the likes of Sassoon, Graves and Remarque, is a collection of his memories and impressions of that experience. Describing the men as they march into battle, engaging imaginatively with the stories of individual soldiers and chronicling the proceedings in the field hospital, the author offers a perspective on war that is both powerful and intimate.
Book: A África e o Mundo. Circulação, apropriação e cruzamento de conhecimentos
Author: Isabel Castro Fernandes
Synopsis: This book, which brings together a set of texts written over forty years, some unpublished, others scattered in publications of a diverse nature, not always easily accessible, aims to reflect on Africa’s many relationships with other worlds through proposals, objects, constructions, practices introduced from outside, in a plurality of distinct historical situations, between the 15th and 20th centuries, seeking in the same movement to underline the falsifying nature of a panoply of Western ideas that labeled Africans as passive, closed to the world, without will and capacity for choice and social change.
Book: O (novo) Direito da Segurança Marítima – o Navio, os Estados, as Convenções e a sua Autonomia
Author: Duarte Lynce de Faria
Publisher: Almedina
Synopsis: In order to ensure that readers and researchers who do not specialize in the sector, in law or in both, do not feel excluded from consulting it, the approach to Maritime Safety Law recommended starting with a summary of the main institutes of Maritime Law – which was already a subject of training in the sector – and moving on to the identification of the main international instruments of that new branch.
Book: Obras Completas Vol. I e II
Author: Maria Judite de Carvalho
Publisher: Minotauro
Synopsis: This collection brings together the complete work of Maria Judite de Carvalho, considered one of the most striking writers of 20th century Portuguese literature. Heiress of existentialism and the nouveau roman, her voice is timeless, treating with mastery and a unique sense of humor fundamental themes such as the loneliness of life in the city and the anguish and despair mirrored in her anonymous daily life. A keen observer, her characters reveal the teeming rhythm of a life overwhelmed by crowds, but always reclusive within themselves, separated by an infinite monologue of the soul.
Book: Mandem saudades
Author: Mário Augusto
Publisher: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
Synopsis: Did you know that the ukelele, the typical musical instrument of Hawaii, is the ukulele altered by Madeirans who emigrated there? Even today, this heritage and many other traditions are cherished by third and fourth generation Portuguese who inhabit those islands. This book tells the story of his ancestors, some 27,000 Portuguese who, at the end of the 19th century and until 1913, took a long emigration route to the middle of the Pacific. In this stampede, only those most desperate for hunger and misery went, those who left nothing behind.
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