Launch of the FLAD Rui Machete Award: 200 thousand euros to distinguish paths of excellence in the Portugal-USA relationship

The Award, worth 200 thousand euros, will distinguish a personality or institution…

Applications Open: Atlantic Security Award 2025

Two researchers will receive 15 thousand euros each for research projects on…

Applications Open: FLAD Political Science Award 2025

The two students with the best master's theses will participate in the congress of…

Applications Open: FLAD Legislative Internships 2025

Young people of Portuguese ancestry, with ages between 18 and 25 will be given the…

Open Call: Visiting Professor at Georgetown University 2025/26

Professors may apply by November 18 to teach a semester or academic year at…

Now available: ‘O Burro e o Elefante’ podcast first episode

'O Burro e o Elefante' is the new podcast from FLAD and Expresso dedicated to…

‘Até à Casa Branca´: new US election 2024 special newsletter Observador/FLAD

Until the elections, the Observador newsletter supported by FLAD will analyze the…

Portugal joins the Bertelsmann Foundation’s Transatlantic Periscope

This international platform aggregates information, analysis and data that allows…

‘O Burro e o Elefante’: FLAD and Expresso new podcast about US elections

O Burro e o Elefante is the new podcast from FLAD and Expresso dedicated to…

Rita Marcelino dos Santos and Marta Ramilo Abrantes win FLAD Political Science Award 2024

The master's degree from NOVA University Lisbon will participate in the next…

8th Legislators Dialogue brings together 19 Portuguese-American elected politicians in Lisbon

Between June 17 and 18, FLAD brings together elected political leaders from the…

Five thesis selected for the final phase of the FLAD Political Science Award

Because of the high quality of research, in a competition with dozens of…

Alexandra Mendes and Jan Stockbruegger win Atlantic Security Award 2024

Professors from the University of Porto and the University of Copenhagen will…

Applications Open: FLAD Political Science Award 2024

The student with the best master's thesis will travel, at FLAD's invitation, to…

FLAD Legislative Internships 2024: eight internship positions in the office of Portuguese American elected officials

Portuguese Americans with ages 18 to 25, will have the opportunity to work closely…

Applications open: Atlantic Security Award 2024

Two researchers will receive 15 thousand euros for research projects on current…

Getting to know the Portuguese American Community – Online Session, October 25th

ZOOM session to present the groundbreaking study ‘Portuguese immigrants and…

Call for Visiting Professors at Georgetown University 2024/2025

Professors can apply to teach for one semester or one academic year at Georgetown.

Call for Visiting Professors at Georgetown University 2024/2025

Professors can apply to teach for one semester or one academic year at Georgetown.

FLAD presented research of Portuguese American Community in Washington D.C., New York and Massachusetts

In the last few weeks, FLAD has presented the findings of this portrait of our…

Research: There are 1.3 million Portuguese-descendants and immigrants in the U.S.

A study developed at the request of FLAD by ICS, shows a community dispersing to…

FLAD hosts elected politicians of Portuguese descent from seven states

The annual meeting will bring together some thirty Portuguese-descended politicians…

Raquel Freire and João Cancela next Visitant Professors at Georgetown University

Professors from the University of Coimbra and NOVA/FCSH University will teach…

Tribute to Nuno Monteiro and presentation of the book Theory of Unipolar Politics

Launch of the Portuguese edition of Nuno Monteiro's book March 29, 6h30 p.m. -…

Democracy: The Way Ahead – The Future of Democracy in Debate

John Ikenberry is the first guest in this series of conferences that will bring to…

New FLAD Political Science Award will award best master’s thesis

Author of the best master's thesis in Political Science and International Relations…

US Midterms elections: Democrats retain control of Senate

Victories in Arizona and Nevada allow Democrats to maintain control over the…

US Midterm elections: what are they, who goes to votes and why are they important?

On November 8, Americans go to the polls for a midterm election that could…

Murilo Costa and Andreas Østhagen win FLAD Atlantic Security Award

Investigators will receive 20 thousand euros each to investigate defense…

Portugal integrates Transatlantic Trends 2022 of the German Marshall Fund

Portuguese are among those who show the greatest confidence in the European Union…

New Competition for Visiting Professor at Georgetown University 2023/2024

New rules allow Teachers to apply to teach a semester or a school year in…

Legislators Dialogue: FLAD received 19 Luso-American politicians elected in Lisbon

Legislators met with the President of the Republic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs…

FLAD Atlantic Security Award 2022: 40,000 euros for research

Second edition of the prize will distinguish two proposals with 20,000 euros each.…

Open Call: FLAD Legislative Internships for Portuguese-Americans

Internships for Portuguese-Americans aged 18 to 25 who want first-hand experience…

2022: consolidation, Azores, and reencounters

New projects, more gatherings, and more Portugal in the United States.

Susana Ferreira and Frank Mattheis win FLAD Atlantic Security Award

Researchers will receive a prize of 20,000 euros each to develop security and…

FLAD Atlantic Security Award: 40,000 euros for research on security and defense

Initiative will award two research projects with 20,000 euros each. Apply until the…

Carlos Jalali chosen as Georgetown University visiting professor

Professor at the University of Aveiro will teach a course on institutions and…

Miguel Faria e Castro at the Atlantic Talks

The consequences and responses to the economic shock of the pandemic, with Miguel…

Francisco Seixas da Costa at the Atlantic Talks

The international political and diplomatic context seen through the eyes of one of…

36 years investing in the future

Today we celebrate 36 years of work for Portugal, the Portuguese and…

Lívia Franco at the Atlantic Talks

Democracy in the USA, ghosts of a new Cold War with China and the relationship with…

Georgetown University: Visiting Professor Open Call 2022

See how to apply for Visiting Professor at Georgetown, in the areas of Political…

Atlantic Talks are back with Mário Centeno

From the road trip on the East Coast of the US to the sound of Portuguese radio and…

Atlantic Talks, now in book format

FLAD's first podcast, the Atlantic Talks, is now available in book format. Find out…

FLAD creates a space dedicated to the elected officials of Portuguese descent

From Hawaii to New York, there are many Portuguese-Americans that have been elected…

2021: a year to nurture with hope and determination

Rita Faden, president of FLAD, reviewed the Foundation's work for the year that…

Augusto Santos Silva at the Atlantic Talks

Minister of Foreign Affairs is the guest of the last episode of the Atlantic Talks.…

Monica Ferro at the Atlantic Talks

Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Monica Ferro, in the new…

Bernardo Pires de Lima at the Atlantic Talks

IPRI associate researcher and one of the most prominent international relations…

Michael Rezendes: “This election is about much more than the pandemic”

The Portuguese-descendant journalist, winner of a Pulitzer at the Boston Globe, on…

FLAD/Expresso Debate: The pandemic and the economy create many unknowns in polls

Arrival of a second wave can disproportionately affect Republicans. Trump's…

What the polls say: the first debate of the FLAD/SIC-Expresso partnership

Debates with experts and interviews with our congressmen are the initiatives we…

FLAD and Açoriano Oriental launch newsletter in English

A newsletter that will allow us to reach all generations of the Portuguese-American…

Nuno Severiano Teixeira at Atlantic Talks

Who will lead the world and how can the pandemic change the balance of forces…

How was the What’s Next for Politics and Law Making webinar?

How are Parliaments and legislators responding to COVID-19? What measures have been…

Helena Garrido at Atlantic Talks

The economics journalist and author talks about the emergence in national politics…

What’s Next: law making after the pandemic

How are Parliaments working to support the lives and livelihoods of workers and…

Paulo Portas on the Atlantic Talks

CDS historic figure and former Vice-Prime-Minister Paulo Portas talks about the…

Capicua is this week’s guest at Atlantic Talks

The rapper and activist from Porto recounts how she found Hip Hop, talks about…

FLAD launches What’s Next webinars this Thursday

Every week during the next month we will promote an online debate about the present…

Atlantic Talks, FLAD’s new podcast

Atlantic Talks will explore the impact of the U.S. on Portugal over the past 35…

FLAD and PÚBLICO launch bilingual platform with news from Portugal

FLAD supported project allows those who do not master the Portuguese language to…

We’ve accomplished 35 years. What’s next?

Today we celebrate 35 years of history at FLAD. A history of the development of…

FLAD and Camões join forces to promote Portuguese language in the US

On the day we celebrate the World Portuguese Language Day, FLAD and Camões…

FLAD: Temporary conditioning of the Foundation’s activities

The exceptional situation we live in affects our activities, but the open calls…

NATO: 70 years and a future of challenges

We celebrated NATO's 70th anniversary, bringing together, in FLAD's headquarters,…

Support for the Portuguese Diaspora: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs creates an open call for financial support to…

FLAD at the Açoriano Oriental/TSF-Azores Conference

FLAD's president, Rita Faden, was the guest speaker at the luncheon organized by…

Call for Visiting Professor at Georgetown University

We are no longer accepting applications for Visiting Professor at Georgetown…

FLAD’s visit to Fresno State University

FLAD visited the University of Fresno State for a discussion between…

3rd Annual Summit of the California Portuguese American Coalition

At the 3rd annual summit of CPAC, FLAD reinforced the fight for greater political…

Luso-American Legislators’ Dialogue

The annual makes it possible to shorten the distance between Portugal and the…

The Atlantic Strategy Group: the role of the Atlantic in today’s world

The Atlantic Strategy Group (ASG) aims to strengthen the capacity of North and…