Governing Bodies
Board of Trustees
Constituted by five to seven members, the Board of Trustees has the competence to ensure the maintenance of the Foundation’s guiding principles and apprise the general lines, both of its operation and its investment policy, as well as assess the annual report.
The members of this board are appointed by the Prime-Minister, two of whom are appointed by the Ambassador of the United States of America to Portugal. The mandates last seven years and can be renewed.
For a term of 7 (seven) years:
- Maria Gabriela da Silveira Ferreira Canavilhas (1)
- Mário Nuno dos Santos Ferreira– by appointment of the U.S. Ambassador to Portugal – (2)
- Jack (Joaquim) M. Martins – by appointment of the U.S. Ambassador to Portugal – (3)
- Maria Teresa Ferreira Soares Mendes (4)
- Maria Manuel Mota (5)
- Isabel Maria de Lucena e Vasconcelos da Cruz de Almeida Mota (6)
- Miguel Monjardino (7)
(1) Official Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 11512/2018, of the 22nd of November of 2018, published and with effect from the 3rd of December of 2018 (term until 2nd of December 2025)
(2) Official Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 63/2015, of the 23rd of December of 2014, published and with effect from the 6th of January of 2015; reappointed by the Official Order by the Prime-Minister nº 7012/2019 of the 29th of July, with effect from the 7th of January, published on 7th of August of 2019 (term until 6th of January 2026)
(3) Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 11524/2019, of the 27th of November, published with effect from the 6th of December (term until 5th of December 2026)
(4) Official Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 11335/2020, of the 11th of November, published with effect from the 19th of November of 2020 (term until 18th of November 2027)
(5) Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 7981/2023, of the 18th of July, published and with effect from the 3rd of August (term until 2nd of August 2030)
(6) Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 700/2025, of the 3rd of January, published on the 16th of January of 2025, with effect from the 1st of January of 2025 (term until 31st of December 2031)
(7) Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 2890/2025, of the 17th of February, published on the 3rd of March, with effect from the 13th of February of 2025 (term until 12th of February 2032)
Board of Directors
It’s composed of five members, of whom three are part of the Executive Council.
The President of the Board is by inherence the President of the Executive Council.
It is up to the Board of Directors to manage and dispose of the Foundation’s assets, as well as to define the Foundation’s general policies of operation and investment, in addition to approving the budget and discussing the annual report.
Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister nº. 8647/2024 of the 26th of July of 2024, with effect from 1st of August of 2024, published on the 1st of August (term until 31st of July 2029)
- Nuno de Albuquerque de Morais Sarmento, President
Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 13375/2024 of the 5th of November of 2024, with effect from 15th of November of 2024, published on the 12th of November (term until 14th of November 2029)
- Michael Alvin Baum, Jr.
- Nuno Maria Herculano de Carvalho Pinheiro Torres
- Maria Luísa da Silva Rocha
- Daniela Braga
The mandates of the current Administrative Council last for five years and started on the 15th of November of 2019.
Executive Council
The governing body responsible for the current day-to-day management of the Foundation.
Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister nº. 8647/2024 of the 26th of July of 2024, with effect from 1st of August of 2024, published on the 1st of August (term until 31st of July 2029)
- Nuno de Albuquerque de Morais Sarmento, President
Oficial Order by the Prime-Minister n.º 13375/2024 of the 5th of November of 2024, with effect from 15th of November of 2024, published on the 12th of November (term until 14th of November 2029)
- Michael Alvin Baum, Jr.
- Nuno Maria Herculano de Carvalho Pinheiro Torres