Applications are now open for FLAD’s program to support the translation of literary works, a program that aims to promote the entry of Portuguese authors into the United States market and support Portuguese publishers, helping to enable the publication in Portuguese of works by American authors that would not otherwise reach Portugal.

FLAD has launched another edition of the open call for the translation of literary works from Portuguese to English and from English to Portuguese. This call is open until October 31.Candidates:

  • National publishers may submit works, fiction or non-fiction, which are not published in Portugal, as long as the original English version is already published in the United States.
  • Authors and publishers in the United States may also submit works that are not published in the U.S., and it is an essential requirement that the original version be published in Portuguese.

The financial support provided by FLAD will go to support costs of translating the work and will focus on books from any era that are considered of interest to the knowledge of the USA in Portugal and Portugal in the USA. FLAD’s decision will be announced by the last day of the month following the closing of each edition of the competition.

Applications must be accompanied by:

  • 1 copy of the book (on paper or pdf);
  • Image of the cover of the work (image of the cover of the book to be published – if it is already available, or image of the book cover in the version to be translated);
  • Justification of the request for financial support;
  • CV of the translator;
  • Translation budget;
  • Translation contract;
  • Copyright or document agreement attesting for the author’s assignment of rights;
  • Indication of other existing support for translation and/or editing;
  • Justification of the marketing and distribution capacity (applications that present commercial viability plan or effective interest of a publisher in the USA will be valued);
  • Publication period of the work.

We advise you to consult the contest regulations (PT-USA – English and/or Portuguese – and USA-PT), where you can find all the details about the application.


The applications submitted will be analyzed and selected by FLAD, taking into account the relevance of the work and the feasibility of its publication. FLAD reserves the right to select one or more applications, as well as not to select any application if it concludes that none meets the requirements of quality, relevance, or other specifications. The final decision, of which there will be no appeal, will be communicated by FLAD, via e-mail, to all candidates. Applications must be made between October 1st and 31st through the link: This is an initiative that takes place regularly twice a year, during the months of May and October.