Find out here all about FLAD’s grants, awards, open calls and other forms of support in our four main areas of action – Science and Technology, Education, Art and Culture and Transatlantic Relations.

Com estas oportunidades, a FLAD quer abrir caminho ao potencial científico, académico e artístico Português, fortalecer a presença de Portugal nos EUA, potenciar a mobilidade entre os dois países e aproximar pessoas e instituições dos dois lados do Atlântico.

Trabalhamos todos os dias para continuar a romper barreiras, mostrar o que Portugal tem de melhor e premiar o mérito, a inovação e a criação de valor entre os Portugueses e Luso-Americanos, sempre em colaboração com os EUA.

Se tem uma dúvida ou projeto que gostaria de apresentar entre em contacto com a FLAD.



Ana Balona de Oliveira and Thais França are the next Visiting Professors at Brown University

Researchers Ana Balona de Oliveira and Thais França are the next Visiting Professors in the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies.

FLAD Translations Program: Selected Works in the October 2024 Edition

In the October 2024 edition of the FLAD Translations Program, nine works were selected, whose translation from English to Portuguese and from Portuguese to English will be supported by FLAD. Find out who they are.

Applications Open: Atlantic Security Award 2025

Two researchers will receive 15 thousand euros each for research projects on current challenges in the field of Security and Defense in the Atlantic.

Applications Open: FLAD Portuguese Archives Research Fellowships 2025

FLAD opens applications for research grants for Portuguese Archives throughout the country

Applications Open: FLAD Research Fellowships – Biblioteca Nacional 2025

FLAD is opening applications for research grants in partnership with Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (BNP).

Applications Open FLAD Research Fellowships – Torre do Tombo 2025

Grants for short-term research at the National Archives of Torre do Tombo.

Applications Open: Short-Term Research Fellowships 2025

FLAD opens applications for research grants at Torre do Tombo, at Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and at Portuguese libraries and archives throughout the country.

Applications Open: FLAD Political Science Award 2025

The two students with the best master's theses will participate in the congress of the American Political Science Association, in Vancouver.

New R&D@USA Scholarship Holders 1st semester 2025

FLAD has already selected candidates for the R&D@USA 2025 scholarships of the 1st semester who will do research in academic institutions in the USA.

Applications Open: FLAD Legislative Internships 2025

Young people of Portuguese ancestry, with ages between 18 and 25 will be given the opportunity to work closely with American elected politicians of Portuguese descent.

Applications Open: Flechada – Support Program for First Solo Exhibitions

The program will support young artists between the ages of 24 and 31, funding up to 5 scholarships with a maximum of 10 thousand euros each.

Open Applications: Artist Residency Scholarships in the USA 2025

Artists between the ages of 25 and 35 who want to develop a US artist residency can apply until February 14, 2025.

Open Applications: Fulbright Research Scholarship with the support of FLAD 2025/2026

Support for master's students who want to do research at a university or research center in the United States.

Rosa Baptista wins FLAD Drawing Award 2024

The Lisbon-born artist, unanimously chosen by the jury for her innovative work, will receive a prize of 20 thousand euros.

Projects selected for the UP – Higher Education 2025 Program

FLAD allocates €111,000 to support the internationalization of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions.

New open call for FLAD’s Translation Program until October 31

Publishers who want support for the translation of Portuguese works into English, and works in English into Portuguese can apply for this program.

Applications open: Atlântico Junior Award 2024/2025

Secondary and vocational school students can apply. The winning team wins a trip to the USA and a prize of 2,000 euros.

Open Call: Visiting Professor at Georgetown University 2025/26

Professors may apply by November 18 to teach a semester or academic year at Georgetown.

FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2024 – 2nd Phase

Those selected in the first phase must complete their applications by October 13.

Scholarships Papers@USA 2025

Fellowship for the presentation of papers produced in Portugal at North American conferences during the year 2025.

Scholarships USA@PT 2025

Scholarships to support the participation of North American speakers in workshops, seminars and conferences in Portugal for the year 2025.

New R&D@USA Grants 2nd semester 2024

FLAD has already selected candidates for the 2nd semester R&D@USA 2024 fellowships who will do research at academic institutions in the USA.

Selected Short-Term Research Grants 2024

FLAD has already selected candidates for the Short-Term Fellowships who will do research at TT, BNP and archives across the country.

Open Call: Visiting Professor at Brown University 2025/2026

Two professors will be given the opportunity to teach at the prestigious Brown University. Applications are open until November 1st.

Finalists of the FLAD Drawing Award 2024

The 10 finalists of the FLAD Drawing Award are already chosen. The winner will be known on October 26th at the Drawing Room Lisbon.

Rita Marcelino dos Santos and Marta Ramilo Abrantes win FLAD Political Science Award 2024

The master's degree from NOVA University Lisbon will participate in the next congress of the American Political Association (APSA), in Philadelphia.

Five Fellows Selected for the Fulbright/FLAD Scholarship

Master's students will undertake a four-month research period in the United States.

FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2024: applications from June 1st

Young researchers can apply until June 30th. Winning project receives 300,000 euros over three years.

POINT OF VIEW: New Youth Contest to Reward Essays on U.S. Elections

Young people between the ages of 18 and 23 can apply. Winner receives 2,000 euros, and article is published in SÁBADO.

Applications open: UP Higher Education Programme 2025

FLAD allocates up to 30 thousand euros per project to support the internationalization of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions.

Launch of the 5th edition of the FLAD Science Award Atlantic

For the fifth year, FLAD will award a research project dedicated to the Atlantic with 300 thousand euros. Applications open on June 1st.

R&D@USA 2025: Supporting research in the U.S.

Grants for research internships in the USA designed for master's students, doctoral students, and junior researchers from Portuguese institutions.

FLAD Translations Program: Applications open until May 31

Applications open between May 1st and 31st. Support for the translation of American works into Portuguese, and Portuguese works into English.

Flechada – Five artists hold their first solo exhibition with the support of FLAD

The program will support five young artists with a maximum of 10 thousand euros each.

Applications open: FLAD/Saab Visiting Professor at UMass Lowell 2025

Portuguese academics can apply to teach History, Political Science, Sociology/Anthropology, or Economics at University of Massachusetts Lowell

Applications Open: FLAD Visual Arts Course 2024

The new edition of the FLAD Visual Arts Course takes place in Arraiolos between September 20 and November 24, 2024.

FLAD Translation Program: Selected Books in the October 2023 Edition

In the October 2023 edition of the FLAD Translation Program, six works were selected, whose translation into Portuguese and English will be supported by FLAD. Find out who they are.

Applications Open: FLAD Political Science Award 2024

The student with the best master's thesis will travel, at FLAD's invitation, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to participate in the APSA congress in September 2024.

Applications Open: Short Term Research Grants 2024

Applications for FLAD's 2024 short-term research fellowships for Torre do Tombo, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and archives and libraries across the country are now open.

Applications Open: FLAD Portuguese Archives Research Grants 2024

Applications for FLAD's 2024 short-term research fellowships for archives and libraries across the country are now open.

Applications Open: FLAD Research Fellowships – Torre do Tombo 2024

Applications for FLAD's 2024 short-term research fellowships for Torre do Tombo are now open.

Applications Open: FLAD Research Grants – Biblioteca Nacional 2024

Applications for the 2024 FLAD short-term research fellowships for Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal are now open.

New R&D@USA Fellows 1st semester 2024

The list of those selected for the R&D@USA 2024 scholarships is now available. The awardees will be able to conduct research at academic institutions in the US.

Flechada – New Support Program for First Solo Exhibitions

The program will support young artists by funding up to 5 scholarships with a maximum of 10 thousand euros each.

Applications open: Fulbright Research Fellowship with the support of FLAD 2024/2025

Support for master's students who want to do research at a university or research center in the United States.

Applications open: Atlantic Security Award 2024

Two researchers will receive 15 thousand euros for research projects on current challenges in the field of Security and Defence.

Projects selected for the UP Program – Higher Education 2024

The UP - Higher Education Program has selected five projects that contribute to the internationalization of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions, together with American universities

Applications open: FLAD Science Award on Mental Health 2024

Until November 30th, young researchers can apply for the largest prize for clinical research in Mental Health, 300 thousand euros.

Artist Carla Filipe wins FLAD Drawing Award 2023

The artist from Vila Nova da Barquinha, unanimously chosen by the jury for her innovative work, will receive a prize of 20 thousand euros.

Applications open: Atlântico Junior Award 2023/2024

Secondary and vocational school students can apply. The winning team wins a trip to the USA and a prize of 2,000 euros.

Projects in Maia, Évora, Porto and Almada selected for the FLAD/OPP 2023 Program

The University of Maia, the University of Évora, the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto and the Piaget Institute of Almada are the winners of the second edition of FLAD/OPP – Mental Health in Higher Education.

Launch of the FLAD Science Award Mental Health 2024

The 4th edition of the largest prize for research in this area in Portugal will award 300 thousand euros to the winner. Daniel Sampaio is a member of the jury.

FLAD Translation Program: Applications open until October 31

Applications open between October 1st and October 31st. Support for the translation of American works into Portuguese, and Portuguese works into English.

FLAD Visual Arts Course 2023 in Loulé

After the success of the first edition held in the Azores, the FLAD Visual Arts Course is taking place in Loulé until November 19.

Call for Visiting Professors at Georgetown University 2024/2025

Professors can apply to teach for one semester or one academic year at Georgetown.

Call for Visiting Professors at Georgetown University 2024/2025

Professors can apply to teach for one semester or one academic year at Georgetown.

FLAD Art and Culture Calendar 2023/2024

Find out here about the initiatives and opportunities already planned for Art and Culture in 2023/2024.

Grants for Artist Residencies in the USA 2024

Artists between the ages of 25 and 35 who want to develop a US artist residency can apply until January 15, 2024.

USA@PT Grants 2024

Grants to support the participation of American speakers in workshops, seminars and conferences in Portugal for the year 2024.

Papers@USA Grants 2024

Grant to present articles produced in Portugal at North American conferences during the year 2024.

New R&D@USA fellows 2nd semester 2023

The list of selected candidates for the R&D@USA 2023 fellowships is now available. The awardees will be able to conduct research at academic institutions in the US.

Applications open: Visiting Professor at Brown University 2024/2025

Until November 1, teachers from Portugal or living in Portugal can apply for two teaching positions at Brown University.

FLAD supports translation of works by Louis Menand, Patti Smith and Mary Borden

The new edition of the translation program will support the publication in Portugal of works by Louis Menand, Patti Smith and Mary Borden.

Finalists for the FLAD Drawing Award 2023

The 10 finalists of the FLAD Drawing Award are already chosen. The winner will be known on October 28th at the Drawing Room Lisbon.

FLAD/Pinto-Fialon scholarship for a master’s or doctoral degree at UC Berkeley

Support for doctoral students up to $60,000, or master's students up to $26,000 who have been accepted at UC Berkeley.

Applications are open for the new edition of the FLAD Science Award Atlantic

Award of 300.000 euros for young researchers in Portugal will give special attention to research on technological and engineering solutions.

Bernardo Pinto da Cruz next FLAD/Saab Visiting Professor at UMass Lowell

The selected will teach 'The Transition to Democracy in Portugal in a European and Global Context' at Brown University.

Aurora Santos and Duncan Simpson new Visiting Professors at Brown University

Researchers Aurora Santos and Duncan Simpson will be the next Visiting Professors at Brown University.

Six grantees selected for the Fulbright/FLAD Scholarship

Master's students will undertake a four-month research period in the United States.

Open applications: UP Higher Education 2024 Program

Funding line of 100.000 Euros for internationalization projects of Portuguese higher education institutions.

OpenArt 2024: Support for museums and art centers to exhibit FLAD collection

FLAD will make its works available for exhibition in Portuguese museums and art centers. Applications are already open.

Nuno Madeira is the winner of the FLAD Science Award Mental Health 2023

Psychiatrist at Universidade de Coimbra to develop clinical trial of innovative treatment for cognitive-social symptoms of schizophrenia

Bruno Rocha from NOVA FCSH wins FLAD Political Science Award

Best master's thesis awarded with participation in the congress of the International Political Science Association, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

FLAD Translations Program: Applications open until May 31

Applications open between May 1st and 31st. Support for the translation of works from American Portuguese, and from Portuguese works to English

R&D@USA 2024: Financial support for research

Grants for research internships in the US designed for master's, doctoral students, and junior researchers from Portuguese institutions.

Open applications: FLAD/OPP Program – Mental Health in Higher Education 2023

Program with 100 000 euros of funding for projects of psychological intervention in Higher Education also extended to the private sector.

Open Call: Fifth edition of FLAD / AiR 351 grants

This grant is targeted for one US based/American artist or curator at any stage of practice and will cover a period of 4 months in 2023.

Applications open: FLAD Drawing Award 2023

Artists over the age of 28 can apply until May 3. Winner will be announced on October 28, and will receive a prize of 20,000 euros.

New Arts and Cultures free course for future teachers

The course for future teachers will have Martim Sousa Tavares, Afonso Cruz, Dino D'Santiago, Sandra Vieira Jürgens, and Zia Soares as speakers.

Open Call: FLAD/Saab Visiting Professor at UMass Lowell 2023

Applications are open until March 31 for professors of History, Political Science, Anthropology/Sociology or Economics.

Open Call: Summer Schools in the Azores 2023

FLAD supports two Summer Schools in Azorean Islands of Santa Maria and Terceira, in July, with scholarships for PhD students from Portugal and the USA.

Open call FLAD Legislative Internships 2023

FLAD will offer up to seven internships with Portuguese American elected officials for young Portuguese Americans.

New R&D@USA grantees first semester 2023

The list of selected candidates for the R&D@USA 2023 fellowships is now available. The awardees will be able to conduct research at academic institutions in the US.

Junior Visiting Researcher Fellowship @UC Berkeley 2023/2024

The Junior Visiting Researcher fellowship at UC Berkeley is now open. Those selected will have the opportunity to conduct research as part of their PhD at UC Berkeley.

Applications open: Research Fellowship FLAD-Portuguese Archives 2023

Applications are now open for the 2023 short-term FLAD research grants to archives and libraries throughout the country.

Open applications: FLAD-Biblioteca Nacional Research Grant 2023

Applications are now open for the 2023 short-term FLAD research grants to Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.

Open applications: Short Term Research Grants 2023

Applications are now open for the 2023 short-term FLAD research grants to Torre do Tombo, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, and archives and libraries throughout the country.

Open applications: FLAD-Torre do Tombo Research Grant 2023

Applications are now open for the 2023 short-term FLAD research grants to Torre do Tombo.

Applications now open: New FLAD Visual Arts Course in Loulé

After a successful first edition held in the Azores, the FLAD Visual Arts Course comes back in 2023, and Loulé will be its new home.

FLAD/Fulbright Research Fellowship 2023/2024

Intended to support master's students from all areas of study, the Fulbright research grant with FLAD's support is back for the 2023/2024 school year.

New FLAD Political Science Award will award best master’s thesis

Author of the best master's thesis in Political Science and International Relations will go to the IPSA congress in Buenos Aires in 2023.

Cristiana Bastos selected for FLAD/Saab Visiting Professor at UMass Lowell

Anthropologist is Principal Researcher at ICS of the University of Lisbon. She will be teaching the "Epidemics in History" chair at UMass Lowell.

FLAD Science Award Mental Health 2023 – 1st Phase

Applications for the largest research prize in this area in Portugal are open. Applications can be submitted until November 30.

Artist Maria Capelo wins Prémio FLAD de Desenho 2022

The Lisbon-born artist, chosen unanimously by the jury for the innovative and surprising work, will receive 20,000 euros of prize.

Projects selected for the UP Program – Higher Education

The UP Program - Higher Education selected four projects that contribute to the internationalization of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions, together with American universities

Murilo Costa and Andreas Østhagen win FLAD Atlantic Security Award

Investigators will receive 20 thousand euros each to investigate defense cooperation in the South Atlantic, and Arctic security.

New edition of FLAD Science Award Mental Health

Largest prize for research in Mental Health in Portugal will award with 300 thousand euros best project.

The projects selected for the FLAD/OPP Program are already known

The University of Madeira, the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda are the Institutions of Higher Education that won the first edition of FLAD/OPP – Mental Health in Higher Education.

FLAD Translation Program: Applications until October 31st

Applications open between October 1st and October 31st. Support for the translation of works from American authors to Portuguese, and from Portuguese works to the English language

FLAD Culture – Events and Opportunities 2021/2022

Get to know the initiatives and opportunities already planned for Art and Culture in 2021/2022.

New Competition for Visiting Professor at Georgetown University 2023/2024

New rules allow Teachers to apply to teach a semester or a school year in Georgetown.

Scholarships for Artistic Residencies in the USA 2023

Artists between the age of 25 and 35 who want to develop a U.S. artist residency can apply until December 15th.

Open Call Brown University Visiting Professor’s 23/24

PhDs in History and Social Sciences can now apply for the opportunity at this prestigious University of the USA.

Open applications: Atlantic Junior Award 2022/2023

Open applications for secondary and vocational students. Winning team wins trip to the USA and 2000 euros.

USA@PT grants 2023

Grants to support the participation of speakers from the US  at conferences and seminars in Portugal organized by Portuguese Institutions.

Papers@USA grants for 2023

Grants for the presentation of articles produced in Portugal at North-American conferences in 2023.

Seven works chosen in the May edition of FLAD’s translation program

In the May 2022 edition of the FLAD Translation Program, seven works were selected, whose translation into Portuguese will be supported by FLAD. Find out who they are.

FLAD/Torre do Tombo, BNP and Portuguese Archives Scholarships: selected scholarship sums

The grantees for the short-term research grants have already been selected, under the FLAD/Torre do Tombo, FLAD/Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and FLAD Arquivos Portugueses programs.

Selected R&D@USA for research internships in the USA

Fourteen fellows will receive financial support from FLAD to conduct research internships in the United States during the second half of the year.

Open Call: Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies @UMass Dartmouth

The Endowed Chair will teach one graduate course on the topic of Portuguese cinema during the Estado Novo. Applications open until the 5th of August.

Open call FLAD/Saab Visiting Professorship at UMass Lowell

Applications are open until the 12th of August, for Portuguese professors in the academic areas of History, Political Science, or Economics.

FLAD Atlantic Junior Award winning teams are already known

A solar-powered surface autonomous vehicle, innovative leather based on algae extracts, an aquatic robot and an underwater monitoring system. The winning projects of the FLAD Atlântico Júnior Award are known.

UP Program to finance the internationalization of higher education

FLAD's new initiative will finance projects that promote the internationalization of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions in the USA.

FLAD/Pinto-Fialon Grant for Master’s and PhD at UC Berkeley

Students of Masters degrees are now eligible for this grant. Two PhD scholarships up to $60,000, or for a masters degree of up to $26,000.

FLAD Translation Program: Applications until May 31

Applications open between 1 and 31 May. Support for the translation of works from American Portuguese, and from Portuguese works to English

Open Call Visiting Professor’s at Georgetown University

Opportunity for a professor of Political Science and International Relations to teach at one of the best universities in the world.

Open call: FLAD/OPP – Mental Health in Higher Education

Program will provide 100,000 euros to prevent the incidence of mental health problems and strengthen student resilience.

FLAD Atlantic Security Award 2022: 40,000 euros for research

Second edition of the prize will distinguish two proposals with 20,000 euros each. Applications open until July 15.

Open applications: FLAD Drawing Award 2022

This initiative will reward artistic talent in Portugal. Applications open from April 4 to May 4. The winner will receive an award of 20,000 euros.

Applications open for Summer Schools in the Azores

FLAD supports two Summer Schools in the islands of Santa Maria and Terceira, Azores, in July, with scholarships for doctoral students from Portugal and the USA.

New FLAD Grants Portuguese Arquives

Opportunity for professors and researchers, affiliated US institutions, to develop on-site research in Portuguese arquives.

Open Call: FLAD Legislative Internships for Portuguese-Americans

Internships for Portuguese-Americans aged 18 to 25 who want first-hand experience in public office and a desire to promote their community

Applications are open: FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2022

€300,000 for young researchers in Portugal, will pay special attention to research into technological and engineering solutions

Seven books chosen in the 3rd edition of the Translation Program

Richard Zenith's biography of Fernando Pessoa and the new novel by pulitzer prize-winning author Colson Whitehead among the chosen ones.

Open call: FLAD-National Library Research Grant

FLAD in partnership with the National Library of Portugal promotes an annual program of short-term research grants.

Open call: FLAD-Torre do Tombo Research Grant

FLAD and Torre do Tombo promote short-term research grants for researchers in the USA in history, culture and Portuguese language.

Grant for Junior Visiting Researcher @UC Berkeley 2022/2023

Opportunity for Portuguese students accepted at the University of California, Berkeley, to conduct research for their Doctorate thesis.

Susana Ferreira and Frank Mattheis win FLAD Atlantic Security Award

Researchers will receive a prize of 20,000 euros each to develop security and defence projects in the Atlantic area.

New Visual Arts Course in the Azores: Applications now open!

Advanced training program over eight weeks for artists between 25 and 35 years old. Applications until February 15.


Grants for the presentation in the United States of articles produced in Portugal.

Open Call FLAD/AiR 351 Residency Program

Applications are now open for US based/American artists and curators for this independent international visual arts residency program.

New Scholarships for Artistic Residencies in the USA 2022

FLAD launches a new open call for young artists who are 25 to 35 years, who want to develop their work in the USA.

FLAD Science Award Mental Health new edition

For young psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and other professionals in this field in Portugal who want to carry out clinical research in Mental Health.

FLAD Science Award Mental Health new edition

For young psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and other professionals in this field in Portugal who want to carry out clinical research in Mental Health.

Georgetown University: Call for Visiting Professor Fall 2022

Here's how to apply for Visiting Professor at Georgetown University, in the fields of Political Science and International Relations.

New Artistic Enhancement Scholarship in the U.S.

Open call to artists in the area of Cinema and Photography. Funding up to 9 months.

FLAD Translation programme: Applications until October 31

Applications open between 1 and 31 October. Support for the translation of works from American Portuguese, and from Portuguese works to English

FLAD Culture – Events and Opportunities 2021/2022

Get to know the initiatives and opportunities already planned for Art and Culture in 2021/2022.

FLAD Atlantic Security Award: 40,000 euros for research on security and defense

Initiative will award two research projects with 20,000 euros each. Apply until the 30th of October.

Chosen the 10 finalists of the 1st Edition of the FLAD Drawing Award

The 10 finalists of the FLAD Drawing Award are already chosen. The winner will be known on October 30 at the Drawing Room Lisbon.

Chosen the 10 finalists of the 1st Edition of the FLAD Drawing Award

The 10 finalists of the FLAD Drawing Award are already chosen. The winner will be known on October 30 at the Drawing Room Lisbon.

Open Call Brown University Visiting Professor’s 22/23

PhDs in History and Social Sciences can now apply for the opportunity at this prestigious University of the USA.

FLAD sponsors four master’s degrees for underprivileged youth

The Foundation has joined EPIS Association and will sponsor four master's degrees for young people of academic merit, but from an underprivileged background.

AzSS – Azores Summer School 2021

The first edition of this multidisciplinary summer course has as its theme Marine Island (Palaeo)Biogeography. Apply here.

R&D@USA: Support for research extended to master’s

Grants for research internships in the US designed for master's, doctoral students, and junior researchers from Portuguese institutions.

Fulbright / FLAD Open Study / Research Award

An opportunity for U.S. citizens to study and research in Portugal during the AY2022/2023. Find out how to apply here.

New FLAD Drawing Award 2021

This initiative will reward artistic talent in Portugal. Applications open between June 15-30. The selected candidate will receive an award of 20.000 euros.

FLAD contest for book translation

Second edition of support for the translation and dissemination of Portuguese books in the USA and American books in Portugal. More details here.

Open applications: Chair Hélio and Amélia Pedroso/FLAD 2022

Opportunity to teach at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in the Spring semester of 2022. More information here.

Georgetown University: Visiting Professor Open Call 2022

See how to apply for Visiting Professor at Georgetown, in the areas of Political Science and International Relations, for the Spring semester of 2022.

FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2021 – 2nd Phase

Scientific award of 300.000 euros for young researchers working in Portugal. Get to know all the steps for the 2nd phase here.

Research Grant FLAD-Torre do Tombo 2021

FLAD with Torre do Tombo promotes short-term research grants, for US researchers, in Portuguese language, culture and history. Get to know all the details here.

3rd Edition FLAD/AiR 351 Grant

The FLAD/AiR 351 grant aims to promote the exchange between the artistic community in Portugal and the US.

FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2021 – 1st Phase

Scientific award of 300.000 euros for young researchers working in Portugal. Get to know all the steps for the 1st phase here.

FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2021 – 1st Phase

Scientific award of 300.000 euros for young researchers working in Portugal. Get to know all the steps for the 1st phase here.

FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2021 – 1st Phase

Scientific award of 300.000 euros for young researchers working in Portugal. Get to know all the steps for the 1st phase here.

FLAD/Fulbright Research Fellowship 2022/2023

Fulbright-FLAD grant for master's students of Portuguese universities for the realization of research projects in the USA.

Fulbright Research Grant with FLAD’s support (2021/2022)

Fulbright-FLAD grant for master's students of Portuguese universities for the realization of research projects in the USA.

FLAD Science Award Mental Health – 2nd Phase

For young psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and other professionals in this area, in Portugal, who wish to conduct clinical research in Mental Health.

FLAD Science Award Mental Health – 1st Phase

For young psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and other professionals in this area, in Portugal, who wish to conduct clinical research in Mental Health.


Grant to support the participation of North-American speakers in workshops, seminars, and conferences in Portugal.

Grant for Junior Visiting Researcher at @UC Berkeley

Opportunity for Portuguese students accepted at the University of California, Berkeley, to develop research for a doctoral thesis.

FLAD/Pinto-Fialon PhD Grant for @UC Berkeley

FLAD and the University of California, Berkeley, make $20.000 available to two Portuguese doctoral candidates to fund their first year of studies at Berkeley.

FLAD/Pinto-Fialon PhD Grant for @UC Berkeley

FLAD and the University of California, Berkeley, make $20.000 available to two Portuguese doctoral candidates to fund their first year of studies at Berkeley.

Open Call for Visiting Professor at Brown University 20/21

Annual open call for Visiting Professor at the University of Brown for academics in the area of History of Portugal / Social Sciences.

Geodesic and Space Station of Santa Maria – RAEGE

The Space Station of Santa Maria is recruiting for the position of Station Manager.

FLAD Azores Chairs

International open call to be launched for the creation of 3 Chairs at the University of Azores. More details here.