The Surrogate
Fiction, 2020, 93′
04/05 Sat | 9:15pm | Sala Manoel de Oliveira

Written and directed by Jeremy Hersh
Cinematography by Mia Cioffi Henry
Cast Jasmine Batchelor, Chris Perfetti, Sullivan Jones
SXSW (Official Selection) (2020)

Jess Harris, a Brooklyn-based web designer, doesn’t hide her delight with the project of being an egg donor for her best friend Josh and his husband, Aaron. A prenatal test performed at twelve weeks of pregnancy presents unexpected results that pose a moral dilemma, ultimately putting the relationship between the three friends to the test. Jeremy Hersh skillfully avoids some of the pitfalls into which the film could fall, turning it into one of the most successful recent works about the fragility of the human condition.