On October 19th, FLAD organizes a conference to present the results for Portugal of the Transatlantic Trends 2022 report by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Bertelsmann Foundation. This survey of public opinion of 14 countries presents the views of the population on both sides of the Atlantic on how governments have reacted to the Russian war in Ukraine, the management of relations with China and Russia, and the role of NATO and the European Union.
The presentation of the results for Portugal will be in charge of Gesine Weber, research analyst of the German Marshall Fund in Paris. The presentation will follow the discussion of the results with the analyst of GMF and Pedro Magalhães, principal investigator of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and Raquel Vaz Pinto, researcher of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations of the NOVA University of Lisbon.
The conference will take place on October 19th at 5:30 pm, in the FLAD auditorium in Lisbon. Entry is free.
The 2022 edition of Transatlantic Trends reveals substantial changes in the way transatlantic relations are viewed, as well as challenges for the future of transatlantic cooperation. The United States is now seen by far as the leading actor in the world order, but it is seen that its ability to determine and influence the fates of the world order is already declining, which will be more pronounced in the near future. Respondents expect significant geopolitical changes over the next five years, including China’s growth of power and influence in the world order.
Portugal emerges as one of the countries in which respondents show greater confidence in the management made by the European Union of conflicts, but also in the state of Democracy. The report also gives indications of the possible paths that public opinion in these countries expect to be trodden, including the future of NATO and how to manage conflicts in a world increasingly divided into blocs.
The report with the answers to all these questions is now available on the Website of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and can be consulted freely through the following link: https://www.gmfus.org/news/transatlantic-trends-2022
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