When the pandemic started in early 2020, two colleagues, both audiovisual technicians, realized that this professional group wouldn’t work so soon and that they could go through difficulties. The entrepreneurial and creative spirit led them to create a Facebook page. They now have an authentic Union and regularly support 340 families.
As we know today, the restrictive measures imposed to try to control the COVID-19 pandemic have had a greater impact in certain areas. One of these areas is that of culture and shows, which was forced to close completely.
There is a group of professionals without whom the shows we love so much – such as concerts, festivals, and pilgrimages – do not happen. But these professionals, unfortunately, have an employment relationship that is, for the most part, precarious. It was for this reason that União Audiovisual was created. As António Lebres, explained to us, the president of this association created only a year ago, fruit of the spirit of mutual support of this group of professionals.
The right prediction of two colleagues, that the pandemic would leave an entire class in difficulty, due to lack of work, led to a Facebook group that, in just two days, had already 4.000 members. Then the calls for help began to pour. In the beginning, the União Audiovisual collected in the streets, assembled food baskets, and delivered those who needed it most. Even in identifying the people in difficulty it was the colleagues who helped.
FLAD understood that it was necessary to help these professionals at this delicate time, in what they needed most. In this case, the Foundation financed the purchase of a van for deliveries to families who are unable to move to the center and has given 10.000 euros to purchase essential goods, both in Continental Portugal and in the Azores.
This support makes perfect sense in view of the community spirit and the excellent work done by the União Audiovisual in supporting its own.
Goods such as food, toiletries, cleaning products for the house, and, when possible, also for pets, are essential, but also scarce at this difficult time for some families. But the generosity of these professionals and all those who help the association, allow the União Audiovisual to regularly help 340 families nationwide.
The need will remain at least another year, says António Lebres. The activity in this area is still very stagnant, with few shows, limitations in the number of spectators, either due to legal restrictions or the fear of being infected with the new coronavirus.
Moreover, this profession is also very seasonal. The biggest shows, such as music festivals and pilgrimages, will not happen this summer, once again, leaving these professionals in a delicate situation.
How to Help
You can help the União Audiovisual by donating money directly, but these professionals prefer to receive food and hygiene products, for personal and home care. These goods can be delivered to collection points throughout the country.
If you can donate your time, you can also volunteer and help build and deliver the food baskets to families most in need. Just visit the website www.uniaoaudiovisual.pt and there will be all the information you need.
Let’s help?
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