Na edição de outubro de 2023 do Programa de Traduções FLAD, foram selecionadas seis obras, cuja tradução de inglês para português e de português para inglês vai ser apoiada pela FLAD. Entre elas estão livros de Maria Emanuel Albergaria, Louise Glück e Saidiya Hartman.
A FLAD realizou no mês de outubro uma nova edição do programa de traduções de obras literárias. O objetivo é apoiar as editoras nacionais, ajudando a viabilizar obras de autores americanos que de outra forma não chegariam às livrarias portuguesas, e promover autores portugueses nos Estados Unidos.
Nesta edição, foram escolhidas seis obras, propostas por várias editoras, cuja tradução para português e para inglês vai ser agora apoiada pela FLAD.
Este é um concurso regular, que acontece duas vezes por ano. A próxima edição realiza-se entre 1 e 31 de maio de 2024.
Obras selecionadas:
Livro: Chá nos Açores. Uma tarde na Gorreana
Autor: Maria Emanuel Albergaria e Mariana Rio
Editora: Araucária Edições
Sinopse: O livro conta a história da Rita, uma menina que passa uma tarde na fábrica de Chá Gorreana, onde a realidade e o sonho se misturam, onde aparecem personagens de diferentes tempos e lugares para falar do chá, no mundo e na ilha de São Miguel, das suas origens, de como é produzido, etc. tudo isto entrelaçado com a própria história da fábrica. As ilustrações de Mariana Rio complementam e expandem o texto, enriquecendo-o e abrindo o caminho do sonho e de uma viagem que vai para além do saber formal. As notas de informação que acompanham a história remetem para fotografias de arquivo e para uma contextualização aprofundada do conto. As fotografias de Daniel Blaufuks mostram como é a fábrica hoje em dia. As etiquetas do chá são um percurso pelo tempo e trabalho de uma fábrica. Um livro com múltiplas camadas que interessará novos, adultos, curiosos, amantes do chá, dos Açores e dos livros… e não só!
Livro: Eleonora and Joseph: Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment
Autor: Julieta Almeida Rodrigues
Editora: Edições Almedina, S.A. – Minotauro
Sinopse: An enticing take on the Enlightenment set in 18th century Naples and the newly minted United States, as seen through the lens of two powerful historical figures: Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel, who imagined and fought for a Republic inspired by the French Revolution, and Joseph Correia de Serra, a diplomat and internationally recognized naturalist. Imprisoned in 1799 after the return of the Monarchy, and while awaiting her sentencing, Eleonora writes a memoir about Joseph, the adolescent lover who abandoned her. Joseph as an adult, accidentally finds Eleonora’s manuscript in Thomas Jefferson’s library while visiting Monticello.
Livro: The Seven Ages
Autor: Louise Glück
Editora: Relógio D’Água Editores
Sinopse: “The Seven Ages” is Gluck’s ninth book, one of her strangest and certainly her most bold. In it – like William Blake’s mystical Thel – she gazes down at her own death and in so doing forces endless superimpositions of the possible on the impossible. Her act at once defies and embraces the inevitable and is finally mimetic. Over and over, at each wild leap and transformation, flames shoot up the reader’s spine. In an essay she writes, “one of the revelations of art is the discovery of a tone or perspective at once wholly unexpected and wholly true to a set of materials”. This truth to materials -language, occasion, antecedent – is the proof of a poem.
Livro: Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
Autor: Cat Bohannon
Editora: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Unipessoal, Lda.
Sinopse: How did the female body drive 200 million years of human evolution? • Why do women live longer than men? • Why are women more likely to get Alzheimer’s? • Why do girls score better at every academic subject than boys until puberty, when suddenly their scores plummet? • Is sexism useful for evolution? • And why, seriously why, do women have to sweat through our sheets every night when we hit menopause? These questions are producing some truly exciting science – and in Eve, with boundless curiosity and sharp wit, Cat Bohannon covers the past 200 million years to explain the specific science behind the development of the female sex: “We need a kind of user’s manual for the female mammal. A no-nonsense, hard-hitting, seriously researched (but readable) account of what we are. How female bodies evolved, how they work, what it really means to biologically be a woman. Something that would rewrite the story of womanhood. This book is that story. We have to put the female body in the picture. If we don’t, it’s not just feminism that’s compromised. Modern medicine, neurobiology, paleoanthropology, even evolutionary biology all take a hit when we ignore the fact that half of us have breasts. So it’s time we talk about breasts. Breasts, and blood, and fat, and vaginas, and wombs—all of it. How they came to be and how we live with them now, no matter how weird or hilarious the truth is.”
Livro: The Identitarians: The Movement Against Globalism And Islam In Europe
Autor: José Pedro Zúquete
Editora: Edições 70, uma chancela de Edições Almedina
Sinopse: The Identitarians are a quickly growing ethnocultural transnational movement that, in diverse forms, originated in France and Italy and has spread into southern, central, and northern Europe. This timely and important study presents the first book-length analysis of this anti-globalist and anti-Islamic movement.
Livro: Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments
Autor: Saidiya Hartman
Editora: Orfeu Negro Unipessoal Lda.
Sinopse: In Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments, Saidiya Hartman examines the revolution of black intimate life that unfolded in Philadelphia and New York at the beginning of the twentieth century. Free love, common-law and transient marriages, serial partners, cohabitation outside of wedlock, queer relations, and single motherhood were among the sweeping changes that altered the character of everyday life and challenged traditional Victorian beliefs about courtship, love, and marriage. Hartman narrates the story of this radical social transformation against the grain of the prevailing century-old argument about the crisis of the black family. Beautifully written and deeply researched, Wayward Lives recreates the experience of young urban black women who desired an existence qualitatively different than the one that had been scripted for them―domestic service, second-class citizenship, and respectable poverty―and whose intimate revolution was apprehended as crime and pathology. For the first time, young black women are credited with shaping a cultural movement that transformed the urban landscape. Through a melding of history and literary imagination, Wayward Lives recovers their radical aspirations and insurgent desires.
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